The Lago Maggiore is a international lake considered the most peaceful of northen Italy’s great bodies of water, its shores a little less croweded and its country wilder. It would take an entire blog to describe the infinity of possible places and activities and we can show some of theme.
Villa della Porta Bozzolo – Casalzuigno. In our small town, generations of nobles have swanned about the magnificent garden completed in 1960. Inside the ballroom and upstairs gallery are richly decorated with frescoes. Don’t miss the cool library whit style liberty chandeliers and 18th-century walnut book cabinets.
Palazzo Borromeo on Isola Bella came about as a building for the family to holiday, but also a place to entertain illustruios guests. The house document list in detail the comings and goings of crowned heads and princes: Emperor Leopold II of Habsburg-Lorraine in 1791, the King and Queen of Sardinia, Carlo Felice and Maria Cristina in 1828, Queen Victoria of England 1879, the King and Queens of Italy and of Belgium. There as also been no shortage of visits by the greats of literature: Gothe, Stendhal, Dumas and Hemingway.